idealistic, confused, 20something mom rambling about life

Friday, April 30, 2004

i just got back from a job interview of sorts. Well actually it was a survey that i had to fill out on the computer..
so i sat there answering rather disturbing questions like : are you comfortable selling something you personally dont like? did your parents punish you for stealing? etc etc
yes rather random. The thing is its a minimum wage retail job but all this fancy bullshit has to just has to.
selling my soul to the corporate world. ahhh isnt the world a lovelay place?
and then sitting in the subway i was reading this book that won the booker prize.I dont really like the book thus far. but it has to be good for it won the booker prize. Shallow you say? ...the protagonist is an adoloscent very much acquainted with the f word. And right beside me these two guys are standing using f-ck in every single sentence...their conversation went something like this
"he f-cking expects me to f-cking help him when he f-cking doesnt give a f-cking piece of f-cking crap"
and there i am reading vernon god little (thats the protagonist) talking about how f-cken unfair the world is. Rather surreal i'd say. book, reality - both share profanity.
do guys think they look more macho/good/handsome/attractive when they use 'fuck'?


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