idealistic, confused, 20something mom rambling about life

Monday, March 29, 2004

I was walking towards Vari Hall , this big hallway-ish "rotunda" at school that leads to the library, there outside in the garden cum courtyard cum boulevard(damn its hard to describe the campus),a group of South Asian guys were playing cricket. It was such a nice sight... they were yelling "howzzzaaat" and talking in urdu and hindi, open skies... i smiled like a clown. Walking, smiling ...just something about all these guys playing this game reminded me so much of karachi , a game they probably used to play on the streets of their cities..
i guess it also has to do with how i dont feel this sense of belonging to uni here and I just felt happy that these people claimed this space - if only for a short while...waisay the weather today was also great. Sunny and springy - finally. why is weather such an oft talked about thing here?


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