idealistic, confused, 20something mom rambling about life

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

she told me: why did you wear that cotton jora when you knew it was going to be a big function?
My blood started boiling...what the ? who are you to tell me what to wear?
but everyone was so dressed up... you shouldnt wear cotton to a khoja function.. you know better than that..
uhh well no! i dont want to be like them - i'm not like that. I wear what i want i dont want to be dictated. They all looked so similar with their straight hair, their bell bottoms and their short kameezes. And it was a toddlers birthday for crying out loud! its too bad that it became somewhat of a socialite event - with little kids added in ofcourse. and ayas and maasis for good measure.
yes but people will think you dont have clothes, good taste and they will say look she doesnt know how to dress
well if theyre going to judge me like that, i'd sure as hell rather be in their bad books. There's more to life you know - these women are in their twenties! they shouldnt be sporting the solitaire earings their husbands bought them - whats the difference between them and those social aunties who envy each others jewellery and sport the latest trends to be part of the group?
at this point i was seething..but she didnt give up. I just mumbled something about education and made myself sound pompous and arrogant and left.


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