idealistic, confused, 20something mom rambling about life

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Freedom of "attire"
this time when i went back home, i discovered someone had leaped to the other side in terms of sleeves (the cloth attached to your shirt/top/shalwarkameez from the arm). i.e. they decided to not have any. SO my first reaction was pretty conventional. i was oohing and aahing and saying how "bad", when really its just a missing sleeve!
SO i thought why do i feel this way? i came up with two things. One, because we draw our own boundaries and they become benchmarks of whatever (decency, respect what have you) and when we leap to the other side, we might think its no big deal, but we actually defy those boundaries. Should there be boundaries? should there be so much concern over a sleeve-less outfit? i think not. i think its just that we have nothing to do. But for the benefit of sleeve-lovers, like myself, why would one wear outfits with no sleeves in a place where men oggle at the slightist show of skin, where sleeve-lessness is associated with controversy, and where one will only invite more criticism by wearing the contentious garment? is it worth the "feelin sexay" and having men admire you? Ok now i just sound like an old aunty preaching.
its just a few inches of cloth - but its not the material thats critical, its the boundaries it breaks that are.
Let me end here before i further contradict myself..


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